Kanguri kangaroo island
Kangaroo Island - off the coast of South Australia - produces, arguably, the most unique honey in the world!
The pristine environment of Kangaroo Island is the world’s only sanctuary for the Ligurian honeybee, making the island the only area in the world where pure Ligurian honey is produced.
The Ligurian bee is known to forage primarily for the health of the hive, which produces some of the best and healthiest honey in the world. As Kanguri honey is raw and cold-extracted, it has maintained all its vital and beneficial elements, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal material that is singularly or collectively found by bees in unique combinations from where the hives are placed.
Kanguri raw honey is unlike regular honey because these health elements are not destroyed, damaged or filtered out as they are in processed honey. Only ingredients from the Kanguri beehives on Kangaroo Island are in this pure artisan honey.